Welcome to North Wootton Pre-school

At North Wootton Pre-school we have our own purpose built building consisting of – a newly renovated inside, secure outdoor facilities (grassed and paved areas) and our own allotment, where the children help to plant and grow. We use our outdoor space as not only to play, but also as an extended classroom promoting as much outdoor learning as possible. You can see more of our fantastic facilities in our gallery!

Inside the preschool building, we have a fun and vibrant atmosphere for the children, with areas dedicated to play and reading. We love to display the children’s artwork and craft! We create themed areas inside to captivate the children’s interests and encourage them to explore their imaginations. 

Each child is allocated a keyworker to support their learning and development. We regularly update our Facebook page to keep you up to date with our activities. Children will also leave the Pre-School with an individual learning journey folder.

Children are offered a healthy mid-morning and afternoon snack. Water and milk are also available to children throughout the day. We encourage children to come in with a healthy packed lunch (we do not offer hot dinners). Please note, we are a nut-free setting.

What we offer – Sessions and opening hours

The Pre-school is open Monday to Friday term time only, from 8am until 4:00pm. We offer both morning and afternoon sessions. We are pleased to offer funded sessions for 2 – 4 year olds and the 30 hours of extended entitlement.

To enquire about our session availability, or to arrange a visit to the pre-school, please contact us.

Imaginative play

Provision for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

At North Wootton Pre-school we believe in participation for all and we aim to ensure that all children have access to the resources, opportunities and experiences available in pre-school. We use our ‘best endeavours’ to meet the needs of a child with SEND. We adopt a child-centred approach to teaching and learning, focussing on the individual child and their needs. We listen to the views of the child and his/her parent/carer and they are involved in decision making and target setting. We want to create an inclusive culture in our pre-school and we aim to be more responsive to the diversity of children’s backgrounds, interests, knowledge and skills.

Learning numbers

“Children are motivated learners, who thoroughly enjoy their time at the pre-school”

Ofsted Good